All massage sessions are customized to fit each individual’s needs and goals, from pressure to areas worked on.
Massage Therapy
All massage sessions are customized to fit each individual’s needs and goals, from pressure to areas worked on.
4 options
All massage sessions are customized to fit each individual’s needs and goals, from pressure to areas worked on.
Your session will begin by releasing tension from areas connected to your jaw muscles. This includes your upper back, shoulders, collarbone, and neck. Once the extra-oral section is done, the therapist will put on gloves and begin the intra-oral section.
Head, neck, shoulder massage with hot oil C.B.D. scalp massage
First time appointment or maybe it’s just been a while (greater than 6 weeks). Please make sure when booking that you have at least 1/4 inch of hair growth by the day you select for your appointment. If you have been shaving please stop two weeks prior.